Sunday, December 6, 2009

The First Post EVER!!!!

J: So hello everyone,
This is Josh and Kayla, and we have no idea how to blog but we'll figure it out as we go along.
K: I think I better type, Josh is having problems
J: That's a Lie! I'm just having fun and being always.
K: uh-huh, you just keep telling yourself that, honey...
So if you're reading this, you either know we're eventually going to be engaged... or we're already engaged and we just didn't tell you until it happened
J: Or, your really really good at hacking...
K: lol. Oops, Lol, you do need to capitalize. my bad. So what should we write about?
J: On our first post ever!...we could talk about Rexburg in the snow..better yet, Rexburg on ice!
K: we're a couple of regular comedians...that's why we're JK...we're the biggest joke in town!
J: Okay my turn since she really doesn't know what she's doing.
K: WHAT?!?!
J: nothing honey...anyway so Rexburg in the snow, we've decided we have plenty to talk about...better said complain about so let's begin.
K: Here's my first complaint. IT'S COLD!!! Now, I grew up in Wisconsin where cold is guaranteed for at least 4 months out of the year. So if I'm saying it's cold... it is!!!
J: I grew up in Texas and nose hairs freeze into icicles!
K: TMI, honey. that's disgusting!
J: but it's true!
K: yeah...anyway... whoever said it was alright for it to get to the negatives in the beginning of DECEMBER?!?!? More like DecemBRRRRR!!
J: Mwamwamwa, lame joke. So enough about the cold, my first pet peeve is the wind. I'd be able to handle the cold if the wind didn't just cut right through every layer of clothing I'm wearing.
K: It's the truth. This is the 3rd winter I've had here and temperaturewise, Wisconsin is worse. However, there's nothing like going outside thinking it's 9 degrees and then getting a huge -10 degree gust in your face. Wisconsin never had this much wind...
J: and it stings too.
K: YAAAAH! ok, next pet peeve. Actually, there are two that are related. Ice and salt. Rexburg does not use salt on their roads. They use some weird red rock that turns everything including your shoes and the bottoms of your jeans into red-brown crusties. Or, they just don't take care of it at all. Take the parking lot of my apartment complex for example. Now I know that for the very cheap price I'm paying, my apartment will not be as nice as some. Which I'm fine with. But is it REALLY that hard to shovel and salt the parking lot? It's an ice-skating rink death trap!! Without the skates!! Not that I can ice-skate anyway...
J: at least you don't have stupid boys at your place. In most places in Rexburg they try to get rid of the ice as much as possible but at Sunrise, oh no we're too smart for that, we embrace the ice. The other day a bunch of dumb guys came out with buckets of water (LOTS of buckets of water) and turned our parking lot into an ice-skating rink (ON PURPOSE!!) needless to say they got chewed out and had to sit outside till like 1 in the morning telling everyone the parking lot was frozen over. The one good thing out of all this, they put a dumptruck's worth of salt (real salt!) on our parking lot, so i haven't seen ice in like a week. It's pretty awesome.
K: you haven't seen ice at YOUR place... you do have to brave my parking lot every night.
J: good point, i also have to brave pretty much everywhere else in ICEberg too.
K: They should really change the name to that... it's rather fitting 50% of the year.
J: next pet peeve! NO panda express!!!! I know its like a sin or something. They do have a couple of chinese places in town and even a thai place but honestly they are overpriced and nasty! We need a panda and we need it now!
K: Come on, if Oshkosh, WI can have 3 decent chinese places plus all the not-so-good places, can't Rexburg even come up with one?!?!
I don't know if there's really anything else... I really do love Rexburg, but like all things, it's not perfect...
J: Oh i know there are more things to complain about and maybe we'll talk about them in another post, but i really do love this place. Rexburg is an amazing place where you can make amazing friends and meet the love of your life. Hence this campus is lovingly nicknamed BYU-I Do.
K: Yuk-yuk-yuk
J: yeah yeah, but seriously this place is amazing and we're happy to be up here, cold and all.
K: Amen to that!
J: so i suppose we should finish up our First Post EVER!!!! but thanks all for reading and stuff.
K: Always the drama king...


Anonymous said...

i just want to be the fist to comment on this. So this is Zack and i should be studying but procrastination is great. Soo..i guess ill tell a joke. What does tiger woods call him now? cheetah..haha.later

Anonymous said...

why my joke was supposed to say tiger woods wife call him..dang it. ruined...

josh said...

zack, your awesome and ridiculous, thanks for posting :)

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