Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Awesome breakfast shake or healthy dessert... you choose!

One of the things that Josh raves about when he talks about his mission to the Dominican Republic is called a batida. It literally means "whipped" in Spanish, but it's the equivalent of a milkshake. It's really healthy, especially if you substitute Splenda for sugar. Here's the recipe:
~1 cup crushed ice
1 1/3 cup milk (fat-free for the healthy version)
2 tbsp sugar (or Splenda)
~1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1-2 cups fresh or frozen fruit
Throw all ingredients into a blender and blend until thick. The more ice, the thicker it will be. If you want to use frozen fruit, you don't necessarily need ice, unless you want it super thick.
Here's the "tour" that I would recommend. Try putting 2 bananas in for your first batida. ¡Es muy rico! Banana tends to make batidas more fluffy. Some other things I've tried are Banana-pineapple, berry banana, berry-grape, chocolate berry (instead of milk, I used a chocolate slim fast shake), Strawberry-pineapple-mango and today's is a Strawberry-peach-banana. In the near future, I'll be trying frozen cherries in my shake. It'll be good, I'm sure!

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