We got our Internet back!!!
Today was the first day of school! I didn't have class, but I went anyway. I'm super excited, though. I'm taking 4 classes: Money Management, History and Philosophy of Science, Classical Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism. I'm really starting to get into the hard-core stuff in my major and it looks like it's going to be lots of fun!!
Josh went to class today. I'm pretty sure he went to Old Testament, Medical Law and Ethics, and Medical Terminology. He was so excited when he came out of Medical Terminology, he was going on and on about how fun it was going to be to actually start learning things that are going to help him in his career. I don't blame him AT ALL!! I'm excited for him too! Tomorrow he has Spanish, a class on managing provider organizations (whatever that is...), and Healthcare Strategy. He has also applied for a job at Madison Memorial as a receiving clerk and we're both hoping that he gets it, because, as he says, there's only so much you can learn about administrating a hospital in class. It would be great if he could get the job so 1) he doesn't have to go back to Western Wats (which he hates) and 2) so he can get some street cred, so to speak, in his field.
Spent an awesome day yesterday with my best friend who just got off his mission and his brother. We showed him around campus and then fed the ducks in Nature Park. Here are some pictures:

My two favorite guys in the whole world!!

Look at those studly men!!

This is Nate, my best friend. Him, me and our other friend Kiersten were the Three Musketeers of the Oshkosh Ward since we were about 16. When we were 19, he went to Uruguay to serve a 2-year mission for the church and Kiersten and I went to BYU-Idaho. Now Kiersten's on a mission in Spokane, WA, I'm married and Nate's starting his freshman year.
Now take another look at the guy. He's pretty good-looking (and I'm saying this honestly and as a friend (I think Josh looks better, but I may be biased)), so I knew the girls were going to be all over him. Freshman Orientation was going to be bad because, let's face it: Freshman girls at BYU-Idaho have the same idea. Meet a guy, get engaged before Christmas break, and married after April. I know, I used to be one. It's bad. No sooner do we get on campus with Nate and his brother than we walk past 2 freshman girls who both in earshatteringly shrill voices holler "Hi Nate!!" in unison. Now I'm sure they're both really nice girls, but can you be more obvious?! A few steps away, he shutters and says, "yeah, I have stalkers." The whole attitude of freshman girls up here is scaring him and he claims that he will spend most of his time in his room whenever girls come out.
Enough about the freshman... I've found there's always something about the whole population that you will find annoying, even in college. But I have known some really nice freshman, so I'm not totally bashing on the whole group.
I just realized I hadn't put my groceries away and when I went to open the freezer, the box of donuts I got fell off the top of the fridge and hit me before dropping a maple-frosted donut frosting-side-down onto the floor. Scared the bejeepers off my dear husband in the other room. ATTACK OF THE KILLER DONUTS!!!
We saw this good looking sandwich on the Travel channel show "Man Vs Food" called a horseshoe sandwich. It's from Springfield, Illinois and apparently is only found there. It's an openfaced sandwich made of (from bottom to top) Texas Toast, hamburger patty, (or whatever meat you want, some one on the show had a buffalo chicken one!) French fries and cheese sauce. So we're going to try it tonight and we'll see how it works.
Looks like the sun's trying to come out on this cold, rainy day. Maybe I better start cookin!